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Month: July 2020

The importance of regular car servicing

You may have always heard that getting your car serviced on a regular basis is pretty important. Maintaining your car can have its own set of benefits. The following are a few reasons why the experts at car servicing Strathpine consider that you get your car serviced every six months or so:

Better fuel efficiency

A vehicle which is in mint condition would have a better fuel efficiency when compared to a vehicle which is not maintained on a regular basis. A car with 0 engine problems would give better mileage. In the long run the efficiency of the car helps save the fuel.

Replacing engine oil is necessary

The engine oil loses its efficiency over a period of time. One needs to get the oil change every six months to ensure the proper running of their engine. Not only does it help extend the life of the engine but also ensures that the car remains in mint running condition.

All parts of the vehicle need to be checked on a regular basis

A car mechanic would assess the condition of the parts of the automobile and see which one needs to be repaired. When you go to get your car serviced the mechanic would ensure all of the following:

  • They would change the engine oil or filter it
  • They would also carry out a check on the lights, the tires, exhaust and the brakes as well as the steering
  • We would also tune the engine to ensure that it is in running condition
  • They would also check the cooling system and sure that the hydraulic fluid and coolant levels are at a proper level
  • They would carry out the suspension checks and steering alignment
  • Last but not the least they would also check the batteries current condition and make a suggestion if you require a new one.

Some people might consider the cost of a full car service to be an additional expense. However it should be kept in mind that this is going to vary from one mechanic to the other. You can shop around when it comes to booking a full service because you might be able to get it done cheaper at another mechanic. However it should be kept in mind that there is a difference between the cost of service of the car  and for any repairs which need to be made. If during the service the mechanic finds that any of the part needs to be replaced or repaired they would let you know about it. Plus they would also charge you extra for any other service which they provide.

Getting your car serviced on a regular basis can help you deal with the smaller issues at an earlier stage. This can help you save money in the long run. While you may have to pay for the car servicing but it is better than letting the issue get bigger and therefore more expensive.

Get your car servicing in Strathpine done today to ensure that your car stays in mint condition.